
September Update

CakeIt’s my 40th birthday! I enjoy living so much that I don’t like to think about mortality too much, but “the big 4 – 0” has made me take stock; I hope that, if I’m lucky, I still have half of my life to go (or maybe even more, if I’m really lucky!). And I’m grateful for all the blessings I’ve had in the past forty years. I have been so fortunate in terms of my childhood, my family, loved ones, and friends, and the fact that I’m able to carve out a career for myself doing what I love; creating and sharing songs and music. I was touched by the honest, open songwriting of young people at this summer’s BandCamp at The BIG Project. Thanks for your votes last month as well – The BIG Project Youth Choir won Young Community Musicians of the Year 2018! I had a lovely gig with Lorna Brooks; it was so nice to share a gig and an evening with her. And very soon, with CARA, I’ll be heading back to a Medieval festival in Selb which was an absolute hoot last time and I’m sure it will be again…I’m a lucky bunny. Thanks for making my job possible! Fingers crossed that I can keep writing, performing and making music in the community for another forty years…

If you’d like to celebrate with me, I’d be delighted if you’re able to make it along to one of the gigs on the forthcoming CARA tour in Scotland…If you saw us on our first Scottish tour back in 2016, we now have a brand new live album out, including 7 new songs and tunes that we’d love for you to hear, including Moran Taing, a thank you song that I wrote for my dad. And if you haven’t seen us before, here’s a wee taster: